About Us
The Rice Technical Working Group (RTWG) meets at least biennially to provide for continuous exchange of information, cooperative planning, and periodic review of all phases of rice research and extension being carried on by the states, federal government, and cooperating agencies. It develops proposals for future work, which are suggested to the participating agencies for implementation.
Members of the Executive Committee are elected biennially by the membership of the RTWG; they include a general chair who has served the previous term as secretary, a secretary-program chair, a representative from each of the seven major rice growing states (Arkansas, California, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas), the immediate past chair and an industry representative. The rice industry participates by electing an Executive Committee member, on a rotational basis, from the following areas: (1) chemical, (2) seed, (3) milling, (4) brewing industries, (5) producers or (6) consultants.
Committees include Nominations Committee, Local Arrangements Committee and Resolutions Committee. Members of the Nominations Committee are usually selected to represent the different geographical areas. The Resolutions Committee is responsible for the resolutions pertaining to the current meeting.